Communication is Critical to Keep Your Business Thriving During Uncertain Times

COVID-19 has quickly changed any type of normalcy we have in our everyday lives right now. Whether you have already put plans in action for your employees and customers or are just now getting started, timely communication is the best possible lifeline you have to calming fears, ensuring safe environments and supporting the economy.  

We have gathered the following links to resources to help you navigate the challenges of a concerned workforce, an informed leadership team, a clean work environment and a fragile economy.

Important Corporate Communications

  • Use your leadership's voice to provide empathetic, reassuring, confident and transparent communication to your client and customer base.
  • The primary goal of any communication during this time is to provide accurate information about the current environment and what steps your company and employees are taking to address the situation.
  • Customize messaging to your different audiences to ensure they are receiving the information that is most relative to them.
  • Use your social media pages to share knowledge, provide transparency, give timely updates and build a community of support.
  • In addition to social media, consider all media channels available to you including: website, email, video, press releases, texting and signage.

Preparing Your Place of Work

Supporting a Remote Workforce

Official COVID-19 Information & Updates

Other Resources

Even though there is much uncertainty right now, we believe that supporting each other is the best path forward. If MADE can be of assistance in communicating to your staff or customers, please let us know